VIP is a Non-Profit Organization* offering support and guidance to US Military Veterans who wish to start & grow their own business. VIP along with our team of industry professionals provide US Military Veterans with mentorship, strategic guidance, discounted or free business services and funding to help our veterans and their families realize the American dream of business ownership. Our military veterans served this country proudly and selflessly, and many veterans choose to continue serving their communities by starting a business. Did you know that over 2.5 million American business are military veteran owned? We're proud to be helping such honorable people, and we are always searching for more volunteers!
*501(c)(3) status pending
Entrepreneurial veterans serve their communities, just as they honorably served our country. Veterans seeking to start and grow new businesses deserve first-class assistance.
Our volunteers are the people who care. To our volunteers, planting American flags in a neighbor's yard means spreading the freedom and liberty our veterans so bravely defended.
Our community is full of people who want to help. We connect entrepreneurial veterans with first-class lawyers, consultants, accountants, and other professionals at special rates.
The Veteran Innovation Project's mission is to foster the growth of local communities while assisting veterans who wish to become entrepreneurs. We help create economic growth and social unity .
The Veteran Innovation Project believes in the large impact that small businesses can have on a community. We believe no veteran should have to go it alone when opening a business. We have the utmost appreciation and respect for our volunteers.
We strive to help all veterans receive the help they need when becoming an entrepreneur. We wish to create a strong network of people all working together to better their communities.
Our founder Attorney Travis Jacobs is a faithful supporter of our veterans. An entrepreneur and expert business lawyer himself, Attorney Jacobs understands how to best help veterans seeking to start and grow a business. The Veteran Innovation Project is his way of giving back to the vast community of veterans.
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